Log in to TEDA IAT
Is this your first time here?
Welcome to the TEDA/IAT online course for veterinary students! This course is about transboundary and emerging diseases of animals (TEDAs). It also serves as initial accreditation training (IAT) for the National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP). If you have already graduated with a DVM (or equivalent) degree and need an IAT certificate to become accredited, please contact the NVAP Coordinator in your state for instructions.
Create an account using the button below.
- An email will be sent to your email address. You might notice a slight delay before it shows up in your inbox.
- Click on the web link located in the email to confirm your account creation.
- Once logged into the site, select the course you want to participate in.
- When you are prompted for an "enrollment key" - use the one that your teacher has listed in the course syllabus.